14 May, 2011

#29: A book everyone hated but you liked

I mentioned William Golding's Lord of the Flies in passing on Day 9 and it's the first one that comes to mind for this topic.

I can think of plenty the other way around, ie 'a book everyone liked but you hated' (Jane Austen books come to mind...), but this topic is a difficult one seeing as I generally buy and read books that come via recommendations, therefore 'a book everyone hated' is too narrow considering the field from which I have to choose.

A lot of my friends detested the books in Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy. I quite liked them, despite their flaws, but to say everyone hated them is wrong because I know a number of other people enjoyed them.

Hard one to answer! Tomorrow's will be even harder!

Day 30 – Your favourite book of all time

I'd like to thank Sarah Jansen for her tweet about this, as well as The Literary Gothamite and Confessions of a Book Lush for the good idea.

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