10 January, 2007

Jesus of Waverton

On Monday, as Old Man River and I were waiting for the train to work, we saw a television crew talking to a couple of people on the opposite (citybound) platform. We briefly speculated on the piece, assuming it must be train-related, then had a conversation about the poker game in Casino Royale.

Apparently Jesus has appeared at Waverton station..! A painted section, just underneath the platform rim, has peeled away to reveal the face of a bearded man that some people have speculated looks like Jesus. (Others say Shakespeare, Rolf Harris, Einstein...) (though I thought Shakespeare and Einstein were both famous for their moustaches and their crazy hair). What do you think?

I think it looks like Old Man River, actually. Or Monkey. Or an aviator of some description - I can sort of make out goggle-like things on his head. But what I really want to know is, who called the freakin' news crew about this trivial matter?

Anyway, 'tourism' to Waverton has not increased, thankfully. I do want to take a photo of it (the one used above is stolen from the Yahoo7 website) and archive it with my other Waverton photos. Then the hoo-ha will die out and the messiah will appear elsewhere.

1 comment:

Janne said...

It actually reminded me of Ming the Merciless.