07 June, 2011

#12: What’s the last film you saw in the cinema?

X-Men: First Class.

Really enjoyed it. It was everything a good comic book adaptation should be, which is to say it should have a compelling story, strong characters and not get overwhelmed by action sequences. Stylish substance over just style, if you will.

I thought the ensemble was terrific; kudos to James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender for doing a great job of complementing Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen's seminal roles in the original films without stepping into their shoes and trying to emulate them. This is a different film, a prequel, and the relationship between them is different, which was expressed well.

Also, Rose Byrne! (Australia represent) Tony from Skins! (Nicholas Hoult aka Hank)

I don't read comics, so really the films are all I have to go on, and I've liked all of the X-Men films in the franchise—some more than others, of course. This is a particularly good prequel. There is not much you need to know about X-Men to enjoy this film, but if you have seen other X-Men films it shows where a lot of the character drives come from in later periods.

Interestingly, it reveals Xavier to be more flawed than you would at first think in the other films. His mistakes feed the dramatic tension of the later 'episodes' and make Magneto an excellent foil, much better than at first realised.

There were maybe too many digs at Professor X's hair for comedic purposes, but I'll forgive it.

P.S: LOVED the Wolverine cameo.

P.P.S: After I wrote this I went to a Sydney Film Festival event where they showed some trailers for 'green' films. Then my boyfriend and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides, which I enjoyed despite the romp getting a little obscure at times. "I'm still bent. Hellishly so." - Jack Sparrow

Day 13 - What’s your favourite/preferred genre of film?
Day 14 - What’s the first film you remember seeing in the cinema?
Day 15 - What film do you wish you had never seen?
Day 16 - What is the scariest film you’ve seen?
Day 17 - If you could be any character portrayed in a movie, who would it be?
Day 18 - Favourite movie hero?
Day 19 - Favourite movie villain?
Day 20 - Favourite movie adaptation (from book, play, musical, graphic novel etc)?
Day 21 - Favourite movie quote?
Day 22 - Favourite documentary?
Day 23 - Favourite director?
Day 24 - Favourite sequel?
Day 25 - Favourite movie franchise/series?
Day 26 - Popcorn?
Day 27 - Total number of films you own on DVD and video.
Day 28 - Last film you bought.
Day 29 - Last film you watched.
Day 30 - Five films that mean a lot to you.

Twenty-one categories of this meme are from Books and Movies and Wordsmithsonia. The rest of the categories are my own creation.

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