04 June, 2009


So I haven't had the best day. My brain is moving at about half of its normal speed, which is already borderline roadhogging, so it's a wonder I made it home at all.

I had a sluggish day at work: yesterday morning I flung out 10 news stories for the website in half a day and felt pretty pleased about it (there are many things you can write about Australia not being in a recession). Today, in the same period, I managed to plod to five, scratching desperately for any angle that hadn't been overused by the mainstream press.

Then I was supposed to pump through a one-page report on the China Australia Business Congress I attended a couple of weeks ago for the magazine and it seriously took about 2.5 hours instead of half an hour.

Then I held back a sneeze and felt my eye pop. It was weird.

So I got sniffly and my head fogged up so I dismissed myself for the day (at about 4:30pm mind you, so not that much of an early mark) and shuffled homeward.

I'd brought with me a package to send to my friends in Finland as it is their wedding anniversary soon, and also I haven't sent them gifts I bought from my recent trip to Japan, and also there's a birthday thrown in there. So I went to the post office and found a suitable tough bag to put the shoebox of stuff in, paid for the bag and the postage and proceeded to address it.

I'd forgotten to bring the address. I thought I had it in my diary but apparently that was last year's diary. I even remembered most of the address, right down to the spelling of the street (no mean feat in Finnish) but could not for the life of me remember which number was the street address and which was the apartment number.

So I trudged home in the rain, parcel under arm, knowing it would be another day late to the post. I felt like shit, particularly because it wasn't really raining or even drizzling, just that really annoying spitting that doesn't justify an umbrella but gets everything damp anyway.

At the intersection before my place I got annoyed at a young chap in a hoodie dawdling down the footpath, dithering about whether to cross the road, only when I got closer I saw it was an old lady hunched into her fleece jacket stepping carefully around the wet spots on the footpath and I felt ashamed for even contemplating saying something nasty like "sometime today might be nice".

I got home, was pleased to get home, ate two choc fudge cookies without thinking about it (had previously vowed to eat healthy on account of being on the brink of having a cold). Cursed self. Had half a glass of juice with vitamin C in and a large mug of honey and apple cider vinegar 'tea'. Made and ate a big salad while reading Speakeasy #10, at which point my mood lifted considerably.

I don't remember the natural remedies to treat an oncoming cold, just the tricks to soothe a sore throat. Amazingly the lurgy I have has not carpe jugulum just yet so I feel a good sleep tonight may throw it off.

I will be SHIP SHAPE for this coming long weekend. Because I DESERVE the long weekend.

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