06 October, 2008

I heart TINA


The TINA Festival Club came furnished with pew-like seating and these delightful cardboard finishes. This year the club was located in the old rail holdings on the water side of Civic Station. It looks less dodgy than the PAN Building but it does seem to take the action away from the rest of the block, consisting of Civic Park, Watt Space Gallery, Octapod and Newcastle City Hall where a lot of the panels are.

Staple Manor where good zines go to be born.

Nobbys Head by night. The tripod was a good investment for night scenery like this. I have no idea why the sky turned out so red. The light was actually kind of yellow/orange.

Near Civic Station. I giggled for a while after I saw this. I just didn't realise you could get sheets of orange dot stickers the size of a tablecloths, nor did I realise those stickers could become a form of street art.

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