Dear Liza
Dear Liza
There's a hole in my toenail
Dear Liza - a hole
I decided not to gross out casual observers by publishing the image on this post. Directly, anyway. So you can click through to see the remains of my big toenail.
Incidentally, I once made the word "toenails" on the Scrabble board, using all seven letters, gaining me an extra 50 points. I think I scored 87 points just from that word.
I'm sorry I haven't got anything more interesting to blog about. The only interesting thing that has happened to me of late is my renewed interest in Taiko (Japanese) drumming. Mostly because the drummers are really hot. And then they get all sweaty because of the drumming...
1 comment:
With an axe
Dear Henry
Dear Henry
Dear Henry
You can cut it
With an axe
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