I often wonder what the hell I'm doing as a writer. I'm not really talking about my job, although I am an educational writer by day, I'm talking about my long term prospects of being a writer. I like writing and I find writing challenging - and I think I always will. I don't think I'll ever become one of those people who will own their own business or be some kind of manager or editor. I just want to write. Unfortunately it doesn't pay very much and probably never will.
A friend and I had dinner this evening and we were talking about the money thing. She is in the media industry and we both have a lot of people around us who are in the finance industry. This can be frustrating because finance people don't seem to understand what we get out of our jobs, if not a good salary.
Okay, that's a bit stereotypical on my part so I'd better qualify that. Not all people who work in the finance industry are obsessed with money. However, many of the people we know often comment on our 'low' salaries, which, until we had compared with them, seemed quite okay to us. Our contentment came from our jobs, the disruption came from their lack of understanding that work is a package, not an annual figure.
In many ways I feel damn lucky that I started on a salary of $20K, way back when.
#1: I know how to save well and spend wisely
#2: I appreciate a decent salary when I see one
So it comes to this, people - the money or your life? Choose Life. (Thanks WHAM!)
Writing wins, every time.
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