We need a car talker device where you can talk to other cars on the road so when someone cuts in front of you, you can go "is you indicator broken or something?" etc etc. I was thinking this could probably be abused so maybe if we restrict 'conversation' to "thanks!" and "danger!" it would cover (though not adequately) most situations where you wish you could speak to that other driver.
Dude, they're called CB's and they're anything but new technology. Haven't you ever watched a movie about truckers?! That's exactly what they do. They warn each other about upcoming speed traps, the weather...they even wake each other up when somebody starts swirving behind the wheel. Maybe everyone should have a CB radio, not just truckers.
Don't think I haven't thought about CBs; I decided there's too much scope for abuse plus too expensive for everyone to have. I was thinking more along the lines of that cute Japanese invention with the little pop-up 'Thank You'. Except to highlight a dangerous situation as well.
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